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(data updated on 2017-02-10 14:46.25)
Subject field
0 - (2+0)
A - Genetic diversity and breeding (5585+1960)
B - Regeneration and stand establishment (1157+720)
C - Stand treatment, growth and yield (3912+1190)
D - Ecosystem research (592+149)
E - Christmas trees and decoration greenery (142+53)
F - Wood for energy (77+65)
G - Peat-land forestry (518+326)
1 - Exotic tree species (650+162)
2 - Provenances (clinal variation) (1374+337)
3 - Genetic variation among and within stands (695+555)
4 - Progeny testing (controlled crosses) (2236+791)
5 - Phenotypic plasticity (clones, rooted cuttings) (344+110)
6 - Clonal tests (emblings) (483+88)
7 - Seed orchards and clonal archives (grafts) (203+14)
8 - After effects (10+3)
10 - Planting (750+337)
11 - Sowing (307+176)
12 - Shelterwood cutting (53+8)
13 - Seed-tree cutting (20+0)
14 - Soil preparation (409+221)
15 - Natural regeneration (257+218)
16 - Prescribed burning (23+3)
17 - Ditching drainage (53+8)
20 - Thinning (1270+429)
21 - Fertilization (498+567)
22 - Liming (102+50)
23 - Acidification (7+0)
24 - Tree species comparison (1502+195)
25 - Tree species mixture (223+88)
26 - Selection cutting (126+18)
27 - Pruning (88+8)
28 - Urban forestry (16+8)
29 - Cleaning (149+24)
30 - Watershed (33+0)
31 - Carbon, nutrient and water balance (199+98)
32 - Roof construction (1+0)
33 - Climate change (70+10)
34 - Soil conservation (31+19)
35 - Forest protection (188+36)
36 - Heavy metals (9+15)
37 - Biodiversity (291+25)
38 - Monitoring (30+0)
40 - Genetics (95+53)
41 - Establishment (38+45)
42 - Fertilization (19+0)
43 - Weed control (5+0)
44 - Insects and fungi (3+0)
45 - Yield and stand improvement (20+8)
46 - Harvest and logistics (2+0)
50 - Compensation (57+5)
51 - Nutrient balances (31+38)
52 - Coppice-forest (17+23)
53 - Whole tree harvesting (30+12)
54 - Slash removal (79+4)
60 - Drainage (113+31)
61 - Fertilization (346+299)
63 - Tree species comparison (53+12)
B (-704+775)
Bang series (5+2)
C dynamics (6+0)
Ca (36+0)
Christmas trees (142+53)
Cu (16+55)
Eiche series (31+1)
Gyromitra esculenta (3+0)
IUFRO experiment (1+0)
K (117+96)
K Mg sulphate (1+0)
Liming (102+50)
Mg (45+42)
Mn (16+0)
N (153+138)
N dynamics (7+0)
P (94+86)
Peridermium pini (9+4)
Zn (16+55)
abiotic damage (16+0)
acidification (9+0)
acorn (0+1)
adaptation (433+146)
advance growth (0+20)
afforestation (158+61)
afforested farmland (20+0)
after effects (10+3)
agricultural field (0+6)
air pollution (0+126)
amelioration agent (0+1)
annual growth rhythm (2+3)
application rate (1+25)
arable land (23+1)
arboretum (1+0)
artificial acidification (3+0)
ash (10+28)
ash fertilization (127+50)
bark damage (1+0)
beechnut (0+1)
biocomp series (73+3)
biodiversity (312+25)
biomass (119+35)
biotic damage (8+1)
blueberries (11+1)
boron (16+55)
branch diameter (4+0)
breeding (5598+1960)
breeding material (18+37)
breeding value (1187+584)
browsing (3+0)
burn beating (3+1)
carbon (199+98)
carbon accumulation (37+8)
carbon balance (1+4)
carbon dioxide (2+17)
carbon flow (0+126)
cellulose (3+0)
chemical control (1+0)
chemical vegetation control (17+3)
cleaning (161+24)
cleaning method (14+7)
cleaning time (14+7)
clearcut ages (5+0)
clearcut area (1+0)
climate (37+5)
climate change (70+10)
climatic adaptation (102+68)
clinal variation (1374+337)
clonal archives (204+14)
clonal crosses (3+0)
clonal trial (628+106)
clone (690+201)
clone testing (607+106)
clones (346+110)
coastal area (33+3)
compass orientation (1+0)
compensation (57+5)
compensatory planting (6+5)
compost (0+1)
cone sowing (0+6)
controlled crosses (2236+791)
copper (16+55)
coppice-forest (17+23)
corridor thinning (22+1)
crown form (176+30)
crown pruning (2+0)
cultivation method (1+0)
curly-grained wood (30+15)
de-acidification (2+0)
deciduos tree density (3+0)
deciduous trees (264+15)
decomposition (6+5)
decoration greenery (142+53)
deep ploughing (8+0)
defoliation (24+0)
deformed seedlings (1+0)
deposition (1+0)
diameter (119+1)
diameter distribution (294+87)
diameter increment (1093+215)
diameter selection cutting (21+0)
direct seeding (8+1)
disease (3+0)
ditch depth (18+0)
ditch spacing (18+0)
ditching drainage (53+8)
dolomitic lime (9+4)
dosage (8+0)
drainage (198+177)
drought (2+0)
early tests (2+3)
economy (2+0)
ecosystem research (596+149)
elevated CO2 (1+0)
elevated temperature (2+0)
emblings (483+88)
establishment (257+74)
establishment of seedlings from seed (6+0)
excavation (7+0)
exotic tree species (683+162)
fallow period (14+1)
fencing (3+0)
fertilization (591+746)
fertilization method (1+54)
fertilization time (11+18)
fertilization with NPK (24+0)
fertilizer (22+0)
fertilizer amount (140+20)
fertilizer type (135+64)
flora (1+0)
flowering (3+126)
foliar analysis (53+0)
forest protection (197+36)
forest site type (14+1)
former arable land (34+0)
former pasture (2+2)
free stand development (9+0)
frost damage (3+0)
frost drought (0+2)
frost resistance (34+41)
fungi (1+2)
game browsing (5+1)
gap (3+0)
genetic diversity (5586+1960)
genotype x environment interaction (32+0)
germination (11+0)
grafts (203+14)
greenhouse emissions (1+0)
ground lichens (3+0)
ground vegetation (54+0)
group structure (1+0)
growing stock (65+102)
growth (6007+2210)
growth disturbances (25+82)
growth dynamics (185+0)
growth pattern (21+0)
growth reduction (15+4)
growth rhythm (989+144)
hard climate conditions (44+1)
harvest and logistics (20+8)
harvest index (176+30)
harvest physiology (71+9)
harvesting damage (7+2)
harvesting method (3+3)
health (85+0)
heavy metals (26+15)
height (110+1)
height increment (1159+216)
herbicides (6+0)
heritability (714+68)
high altitude (26+0)
hybrids (89+80)
hydrology (14+10)
increment (1116+135)
ingrowth (53+2)
initial growth (27+0)
initial stand densities (11+0)
insect and disease (24+0)
insects (3+126)
insects and fungi (5+0)
inverted heap (13+0)
ion balance (2+0)
irrigation (6+0)
knot diameter (26+1)
land uplift (33+3)
landscape management (2+1)
leaching (14+10)
leader lenght control (6+0)
limestone (21+4)
lingonberries (11+1)
litter (8+5)
litterfall (0+126)
macronutrients (58+13)
main stem (1+0)
manganese (11+42)
mechanical control (1+0)
meteorological data (1+0)
micro-organisms (0+17)
micronutrients (44+82)
monitoring (53+0)
mortality (7+0)
mounding (0+2)
mowable bog (1+0)
mulching (19+0)
natural forest (30+0)
natural pollen emission (11+8)
natural regeneration (270+224)
needle nutrients (61+11)
needle retention (2+3)
needle shed (2+3)
nitrogen (40+78)
northern Finland (2+5)
nursery (3+4)
nutrient (199+98)
nutrient balances (31+38)
nutrient cycle (15+5)
nutrient optimization (3+0)
nutrient status (69+62)
open pollination (1+0)
overstory (0+20)
pasture (1+2)
pathogen resistance (3+0)
peat (524+331)
peat ash (0+1)
peat removal (5+0)
peat thickness (36+8)
peat-land (518+326)
pesticides (1+0)
phenology (42+167)
phenotypic plasticity (344+110)
phosphate (2+0)
phosphorus (37+51)
pig (0+1)
plant age (4+0)
plant conditioning (16+0)
plant type (29+2)
planting (758+346)
planting material (7+4)
planting period (11+7)
planting time (4+0)
plastic shelter (0+6)
ploughing (0+2)
plus trees (1244+720)
pollution (16+0)
postponed seed tree cutting (1+0)
potassium (64+61)
precipitation (10+0)
precommercial thinning (30+6)
prescribed burning (23+3)
progeny testing (2261+791)
protection tubes (8+1)
provenances (1551+399)
pruning (88+8)
pruning intensity (35+6)
quality (170+1)
quantity (81+0)
recurrent selection (1059+616)
regeneration (1211+729)
reindeer (3+0)
repeated fertilization (23+16)
resistance (42+8)
roof construction (3+0)
root rot (2+0)
root sprouting (0+36)
root studies (4+0)
rooted cuttings (344+110)
row experiments (6+0)
runoff water (3+0)
second generation (64+2)
sediment (2+0)
seed collection (10+0)
seed crop (2+126)
seed dispersal (3+0)
seed fall (7+0)
seed orchards (308+16)
seed origin (77+42)
seed predation (2+0)
seed preparation (0+8)
seed quality (2+0)
seed sowing (0+6)
seed trees (1+0)
seed-tree cutting (20+0)
seedling (163+257)
seedling containers (9+0)
seedling protection (6+0)
selection cutting (127+18)
selective cleaning (1+0)
self thinning (188+89)
semi-cultivation (3+0)
shelterwood (8+0)
shelterwood cutting (54+8)
shelterwood density (12+0)
short rotation forestry (48+34)
silvicultural methods (30+2)
simulation of natural disturbances (19+0)
site productivity (37+3)
site treatment (3+0)
slag (0+1)
slash removal (80+4)
sludge (5+0)
soil characteristics (11+15)
soil chemistry (30+21)
soil conservation (33+19)
soil fertility (0+1)
soil microbiology (1+0)
soil nutrients (3+0)
soil preparation (414+232)
soil properties (75+8)
soil quality (33+3)
soil temperature (3+0)
soil treatment (3+0)
soil water (6+4)
soil water chemistry (132+4)
solubility (16+0)
sowing (320+184)
spacing (126+15)
spatial distribution (0+20)
special forms (14+16)
species mixture (37+0)
spraying methods (2+0)
stability (376+92)
stand density (39+9)
stand development (11+0)
stand edge stability (1+0)
stand establishment (1285+720)
stand improvement (3+0)
stand structure (21+0)
stem and branch properties (714+74)
stem biomass (105+21)
stem density in sown tree groups (0+1)
stem distribution (5+0)
stem quality (1262+695)
strip road density (6+0)
stump extraction (17+1)
stump height (7+10)
survival (636+122)
susceptibility (9+4)
temperature sum (3+0)
thinning (1163+344)
thinning degree (349+122)
thinning from above (5+0)
thinning from below (5+0)
thinning intensity (69+67)
thinning interval (63+65)
thinning method (311+84)
thinning removal quality (63+65)
thinning removal quantity (63+65)
thinning time (196+84)
top cutting (2+0)
tree form (1+0)
tree species (71+31)
tree species comparison (1599+255)
tree species mixture (0+12)
tree species ratio (17+5)
tree top levelling (1+0)
tree-species mixture (223+88)
trimming method (1+0)
trimming time (1+0)
two treelayers stands (12+0)
understorey with other tree species (131+0)
uneven-aged management (24+0)
urban forestry (16+8)
value loss (9+4)
vegetation competition (1+0)
vegetation composition (6+0)
vegetation studies (8+1)
vegetative propagation (8+1)
vitality (62+57)
water balances (199+98)
water level (128+0)
water regulation (14+10)
water table (1+4)
watershed (33+0)
weather observations (1+4)
weed control (19+0)
weed treatment (1+0)
whole tree chambers (1+0)
whole tree harvest (30+12)
width (1+0)
wild berries (5+0)
wild fire (1+0)
wood ash (0+1)
wood for energy (77+65)
wood quality (98+66)
woodland pasture (1+0)
wounding (0+2)
yield (5543+1466)
yield economics (4+0)
zinc (16+55)
Tree species
Abies (35+4)
Abies alba (68+2)
Abies amabilis (11+0)
Abies balsamea (11+0)
Abies bornmuellerana (1+0)
Abies concolor (14+1)
Abies grandis (74+1)
Abies lasiocarpa (48+21)
Abies magnifica (3+0)
Abies mariesii (1+0)
Abies nobilis (2+5)
Abies nordmanniana (62+1)
Abies procera (108+0)
Abies sachalinensis (4+0)
Abies sibirica (26+5)
Abies veitchii (4+0)
Acer (2+0)
Acer platanoides (38+1)
Acer pseudoplatanus (30+0)
Aesculus hippocastanum (0+1)
Alnus (34+14)
Alnus crispa (6+0)
Alnus glutinosa (117+13)
Alnus incana (51+16)
Alnus rubra (15+0)
Alnus sinuata (13+0)
Alnus tenuifolia (5+0)
Betula (294+135)
Betula ermanii (2+0)
Betula papyrifera (5+5)
Betula pendula (863+526)
Betula platyphylla (5+0)
Betula pubescens (419+322)
Broadleaves (0+2)
Carpinus betulus (10+0)
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (27+0)
Conifers (59+10)
Corylus avellana (8+0)
Fagus orientalis (2+0)
Fagus sylvatica (182+1)
Fraxinus (6+0)
Fraxinus americana (2+0)
Fraxinus excelsior (96+6)
Ilex aquifolium (3+0)
Larix (176+17)
Larix decidua (91+5)
Larix gmelinii (31+3)
Larix gmelinii var. olgensis (4+0)
Larix kaempferi (88+1)
Larix kurilensis (2+2)
Larix laricina (40+2)
Larix leptolepis (29+2)
Larix sibirica (154+32)
Larix sukaczewii (11+1)
Larix x eurolepis (23+6)
Malus silvestris (2+0)
Picea (44+13)
Picea abies (3154+951)
Picea asperata (2+0)
Picea engelmannii (30+2)
Picea glauca (87+8)
Picea glehnii (5+1)
Picea jezoensis (6+1)
Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis (1+0)
Picea koyamai (2+0)
Picea mariana (85+12)
Picea omorika (51+4)
Picea orientalis (1+0)
Picea pungens (9+0)
Picea rubens (1+0)
Picea schrenkiana (1+2)
Picea sitchensis (469+7)
Picea x lutzii (21+0)
Pinus (18+5)
Pinus banksiana (26+1)
Pinus cembra (17+12)
Pinus contorta (532+34)
Pinus contorta var. latifolia (46+0)
Pinus monticola (6+2)
Pinus mugo (19+1)
Pinus mugo var. arborea (1+0)
Pinus nigra (40+0)
Pinus peuce (34+11)
Pinus ponderosa (6+0)
Pinus pumila (2+0)
Pinus resinosa (2+0)
Pinus rigida (1+0)
Pinus strobus (4+0)
Pinus sylvestris (4504+2088)
Pinus uncinata (14+0)
Populus (65+69)
Populus balsamifera (6+0)
Populus maximowiczii (0+2)
Populus tremula (143+28)
Populus tremula x tremuloides (24+9)
Populus trichocarpa (59+3)
Populus x wettsteinii (67+0)
Prunus avium (36+0)
Prunus padus (9+0)
Pseudotsuga menziesii (118+19)
Pseudotsuga taxifolia (3+0)
Quercus (77+4)
Quercus borealis (4+1)
Quercus petraea (43+0)
Quercus robur (228+10)
Quercus rubra (35+0)
Salix (43+36)
Salix alaxensis (16+0)
Salix arbusculoides (1+0)
Salix caprea (13+0)
Salix cv. Aquatica (0+2)
Salix daphnoides (2+0)
Salix hookeriana (14+0)
Salix viminalis (7+0)
Several (54+25)
Sorbus aucuparia (26+1)
Sorbus intermedia (17+1)
Taxus baccata (2+0)
Thuja occidentalis (3+4)
Thuja plicata (30+0)
Tilia (7+0)
Tilia cordata (46+3)
Tsuga (6+1)
Tsuga heterophylla (45+3)
Tsuga mertensiana (1+0)
Ulmus glabra (29+1)
Ulmus laevis (7+0)
Denmark (485+0)
Estonia (409+2)
Finland (5289+3784)
Iceland (204+0)
Ireland (12+0)
Latvia (404+0)
Lithuania (440+5)
Norway (1008+251)
Sweden (3207+420)
United Kingdom (521+1)
Res. org.
Coillte (12+0)
EMU (219+2)
EMÜ (40+0)
FR (521+1)
IFR (184+0)
IFS (15+0)
IFS/H (2+0)
IFS/Su (1+0)
KVL (485+0)
LBHI (1+0)
LBHI, IFR (1+0)
LFRI (440+5)
LLU (59+0)
METLA (5289+3784)
MMK (150+0)
NORSOL (890+251)
SLU (1586+153)
Silava (345+0)
Skogforsk (1621+267)
UMB (118+0)
Resp. dept.
Centre of Forest Protection and (149+0)
Dep. For. Sciences (118+0)
Dep. of Forest Resourses (890+251)
Ecology (24+3)
Ecology Department, LFRI (27+0)
Ekebo (545+139)
Environmental Assessment (3+0)
Estonian Universty of Life Scien (104+2)
FMD (521+1)
Field-based Forest Research (968+106)
Forest Ecology and Management (387+18)
Forest Genetics and Plant Physio (79+13)
Forest Resources, Economics and (24+0)
Forest ecology (9+0)
Forest ecology and silviculture (116+0)
Forest operations (18+0)
Forest regeneration and establis (102+0)
Forest tree breeding and genetic (102+0)
Forest work and technologies (7+0)
Forestry (456+0)
Forestry and Forest ecology (10+0)
IFR (184+0)
IFS (18+0)
Institute of Forestry and Rural (141+0)
LBHI (2+0)
METLA; Joensuu Research Centre (248+183)
METLA; Kannus Research Station (269+172)
METLA; Kolari Research Station (177+82)
METLA; Muhos Research Station (758+724)
METLA; Parkano Research Station (569+603)
METLA; Punkaharju Research Stati (577+298)
METLA; Rovaniemi Research Statio (585+502)
METLA; Suonenjoki Research Stati (316+321)
METLA; Vantaa Research Centre (1790+899)
Parc & Landscape (10+0)
Service of Forest Genetic Resour (106+5)
Silviculture (59+0)
Silviculture department, LFRI (147+0)
Soil and Environment (17+1)
Southern Swedish Forest Research (108+12)
Sävar (581+63)
Tree Genetics and Breeding Depar (136+0)
Uppsala (495+65)
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# of replicates
# of treatments
Stand establishment
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Experimental area
Last measurement
Latitude (N/deg)
Longitude (E/W deg)
# of references
# of plots
# of replicates
# of treatments
Stand establishment
Start of experiment
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